Wednesday 18 March 2015

3 way conferences
I loved going to the 3 way conferences because it gave the students a chance to have a one on one conversation with your teacher and your parents about the goals you want to accomplish this year. It also gives you a chance to tell your parents and your teacher what is really working for you and what we might change. It also is very important for your teacher to tell you what his or her expectations are and what things you are doing well and things that you need to improve.
Sarah Duncan
Mr Skea's stories
Mr Skea told us that elephants love bananas!
When he rode his horse with some of his friends, his horse ran away and the elephants were heading for him because the banana trees were right in front of him.

Georgie Hawk

Thursday 12 March 2015

The excitement has continued in Room 4. Our inspiration for writing last week was a vibrant experiment with milk and food colouring. Here is a sample of some of the writing.

Plane milk looks like a new sheet of snow on a cold winters day. Sitting in the white bowl untouched so peaceful.
Drip drop here comes the colors bang that’s disturbed the peaceful liquid  and now  here comes the dish washing liquid. Run colours run. All the colors dash to the side of the bowl and pile up on either side trying to escape the burning feeling of the dish washing liquid whipping around the bowl at a hundred miles an hour.

Toby Porter

Snowflake white milk,undisturbed,plain,boring. Our   excitement bursting overboard. What was going to happen and how?  

The silence was broken, as the watery food colouring oozed  into the bowl . We watched the bowl, like we were  in an intense staring contest, waiting for something incredible to happen.   

Nothing happened. The colours lay frozen.  It was like they were playing silent ball, with no ball, until the dish washing liquid came along, then it was like the fuel to an engine.The colors swirled around like a washing machine. The bowl turned from plain, to as multicoloured as a rainbow.

Maia Grieve